
If you're here, you're probably here to read information about my story, aren't you? Before you do, please be careful! While at this point in writing it, this story does not contain explicit or graphic mentions of it, the future will contain violence! already this story has mentions of sexual abuse towards one character, and eventually there will be mentions of injury and death so please be careful. As for this site, there will be mentions of bodily harm, blood, and vomit. once again, nothing explicit and notes will be in the sections that the text is in. Be careful!

World Info

So far, this 'world info' is just information on how the slenderman works.

Everything mentioned in this is pure fiction. This is heavily inspired by Marble Hornets. See the key for stars(★)at the bottom:)The operator★, commonly called the tall one, the tall man, 'him', 'it', or the boss, is an otherworldly being originating back to the 16th-century German legend of Der Großmann★★. He was said to take children into the black forest if they entered the forest at night. The operator is highly toxic, emitting some form of toxin★★★ that messes with electronics around it, causing migraines, bleeding, and even seizures in some. Being exposed to this toxin for an extended amount of time is enough to drive someone mad, cause someone to get sick, and even kill them. very few have managed to be around it without either already being considered dead beforehand, but there are a few. In some circumstances, short periods of exposure stretched across many years are enough to allow a person at least 5 minutes before they lose consciousness or die.Proxies are those that have managed to successfully withstand at least a year's worth of exposure to this toxin at close proximity without losing their minds fully or dying. This happens by the operator keeping those he deems worthy in an enclosed space near him with no way out.A sickness, commonly called 'the sickness' or the 'slender sickness' is associated with seeing the operator. depending on how long a person may have been in contact with him, or have been getting stalked by him, the following symptoms will follow★★★. ★★★★Stalked:
-a slight fever
-mild amnesia
these symptoms may come across as a common cold.
First encounter up close:
-all previous symptoms
-strong cough
-amnesia persists, even gets worse.
-signs similar to radiation poisoning
-aches and pains
-possible eye trauma (bloodshot eyes, vesial popping, etc)
More than five encounters:
-all previous symptoms
-coughing up blood
-blood in vomit
-Many signs of radiation exposure
-painful breathing
-difficulty in swallowing
-violent convulsions or seizures
-major amnesia
Being in close contact for a long amount of time:
-all previous symptoms
-symptoms of schizophrenia
-possible death
There is a phenomenon where in certain scenarios, a person seems to be unaffected by the sickness after a noticeable personality switch.There are 4 known proxies, people who have survived the sickness.Timothy Wright
Brian Thomas
Tobias Rogers
Jeffery Woods
The operator holds the ability to have his own dimensions whose entries are often nestled deep in the woods between two trees marked with identical, but hardly visible, symbols.
These dimensions do not obey the passage of time in the real world visually. Time will pass as normal, but the sky will never change, and the sun will never rise. This is in order to keep the woods dark, allowing any trespassers or unlucky visitors to be hunted easier. These dimensions are often hell for those who enter and have not been there before, seeing as it is where the operator is most dangerous.
The dimensions take on the appearance of dark woods, trees so close together one cant see through them, yet separated enough to run through. There are drawings scattered around the woods, a tactic to distract unwanted visitors and cause them to be vulnerable. If one were to ignore the drawings and avoid the operator, they'd find what appeared to be a run-down safe house. They wouldn't get much further than the door if they entered.In the story fake it, main character Eddie Wallace is taken into one dimension with a road inside it without realizing it. Some dimensions have roads to give visitors a false sense of hope.The operator for this story takes some aspects of the Creepypasta fandom's version of Slenderman. These are things like him being somewhat of a father figure(I say this very loosely bc he's more like an absent father) and not being all business and such.★★As far as I know, Der Großmann is a completely fictional mythological being made up for a creepypasta.★★★ There is a theory that this 'toxin' is a sigma radiation. please mind that all of what I write is fictional and I get this information off of the slender man wiki page.★★★★if you are experiencing any symptoms, especially ones of radiation poisoning, please take yourself to a doctor or hospital.

Eddie Wallace is a 21-year-old man who dropped out of college and is currently living in Casper, Wyoming. (I have never been to Wyoming and all my depictions are based on google.)Eddie is 5ft 11in with shaggy, dark brown hair that curls just a little bit in some places.  He's got ice-blue eyes, one fo the few attributes he likes about himself. His skin is fair and littered with freckles.  He's got some facial hair, dark circles under his eyes, and facial piercings.  He's got a nose bridge piercing and dimple piercings that he wears daily, but he also has a septum and eyebrow piercing he doesn't wear as often.Usually, outside of his work uniform, he can be seen wearing a turtle neck or band t-shirt and one of two hoodies accompanied by dark, baggy cargo pants and Converse he's had since high school.  His work uniform is just a red gas station shirt and his pants.Eddie was born and raised in a small town in Maine to his parents Michael and Laurie Wallace on June 9th.  Growing up, Eddie struggled to properly express his emotions, and he failed to recognize them in himself and others.  His parents figured he was just a kid not taking into account how others felt about things but later were informed this issue was called alexithymia which is an inability to identify and describe emotions in himself and others.Please skip this next bit if you have issues with anything listed in the trigger warning.By the time Eddie had gotten to high school, he had pretended he knew how others felt pretty well but still struggled to recognize emotions.  Amongst his usual classes, Eddie found himself doing exceptionally well in one, running off of the praise his teacher gave him.  It felt nice to be validated, to be acknowledged when he did well.His teacher, however, took the fact Eddie did well when praised academically and slowly twisted it into a tactic to get Eddie to do...other things with him.  The praise in the classroom turned into 'If you do this with me, you'll get a hundred on your next quiz.  You'll be my perfect student again.' which then turned into 'You're so good with your mouth, Eddie.  So good in my class, so good letting this happen.'  Eddie couldn't tell anyone either, threats of him failing if he said anything kept him quiet.Despite the constant praise from his teacher during these acts, Eddie felt sick any time he was asked to perform a sexual act or task for him.  He knew this wasn't right, but he was forced to hold his tongue.  His grades were important, and the teacher wasn't all that bad, right?  It was just when he was asked to stay after that Eddie dreaded, dreaded to the point where he learned to space out to make time pass quicker, especially when things started to go beyond kneeling on the classroom floor.By the time Eddie turned 17 things with the teacher escalated to a point where Eddie dreaded school altogether.  His mental and physical health declined rapidly, he stopped eating, stopped taking care of himself, stopped being mentally present, and still, that teacher decided he would use Eddie over and over again.  Eddie had no plan, no way out, but he hoped, wished and damn near prayed he wouldn't wake up one day just so his teacher would never touch him again.  He hated the way his body was, hated looking at it because he only saw it as some object his teacher would use.It is safe to read from this point on.Weeks later, the entire school was pulled into an assembly.  The teacher had been found dead in his own home, damn near unrecognizable.  In those few minutes, Eddie felt like every single burden was lifted off his shoulders and thrown away, into the ocean.  He was free.In the years following, Eddie moved to Colorado, applied to a college, fucked around, and promptly dropped out.  He just didn't feel like trying to maintain going to classes on campus, going to therapy, and then working off campus.  It was too much for him to juggle.  Eventually, he moved to Casper and found a house for rent, and moved in.When the story 'Fake It' takes place, it's nearing October, about 2 years after Eddie moved to Casper.  He's finding life boring, going through what could be a depressive episode.

Story info